
In Greece, you can go to jail for trying to save a life. It happened to Seán Binder, 25, and Sarah Mardini, 24, when they helped to spot refugee boats in distress. They could face up to 25 years in prison.

Sarah and Seán met when they volunteered together as trained rescue workers in Lesvos, Greece. Their humanitarian work saved lives, but like many others across Greece, they are being criminalised for helping refugees. 

Since 2015 Greek authorities have opened investigations and launched criminal proceedings against humanitarian workers, trained rescuers and activists helping refugees and migrants.

The pair could face up to 25 years in prison on ‘people smuggling’ charges. They already spent more than 100 days in prison before being released on bail in December 2018.

Write for Rights is the global moment that brings us together in our millions to defend courageous people like Sarah and Seán. When we deliver your message, along with thousands more from around the world, it will put huge pressure on Greece's government to end investigations into people who are just helping others reach safety. 

“Humanitarian work isn’t criminal, nor is it heroic. Helping others should be normal. The real people who are suffering and dying are those already fleeing persecution." Seán Binder

Sign the petition calling on the Greek authorities to:

  • Drop the charges against Sarah Mardini and Seán Binder
  • Publicly acknowledge the legitimacy of humanitarian work which supports refugee and migrant rights