Rapper Toomaj Salehi is facing execution after being sentenced to death in Iran.

Toomaj was sentenced to death because of music and social media posts where he criticised Iran’s authorities.

He was arrested in October 2022 because alongside tens of thousands of  Iranians he joined the “Women. Life. Freedom” popular uprisings calling for equality and human rights.

He says that he was tortured in detention; with electric shocks and repeated beatings that left him with bone fractures, gave electric shocks to his feet, held a gun to head and threatened to kill and bury him in a hole they dug in the ground, stomped in his chest,  and left him with an eye injury affecting his eyesight.

Then, after being imprisoned, held in solitary confinement for months on end, sentenced to years in prison, he was released on bail in November 2023.

In a cruel twist, a Revolutionary Court sentenced him to death for “corruption on earth” in April 2024.

Toomaj has an appeal pending before the Supreme Court. We need to show there are people around the world standing with him. We need to show the Iranian authorities that we won’t be silent while Toomaj faces execution.

He continues to suffer from pain following his torture. He needs surgery, but the authorities have denied him access to adequate medical care. 

Please, take action, and sign the petition calling for his release today.



Sign the Petition

Our Petition

Head of judiciary, Gholamhossein Mohseni Ejei 
c/o His Excellency Mr Ahmad Sadeghi, Ambassador of Iran,


Dear Mr Gholamhossein Mohseni Ejei,

Toomaj Salehi, 33, is at risk of execution after a Revolutionary Court in Esfahan province sentenced him to death in April 2024. He was convicted of “corruption on earth” (efsad fel arz) solely in relation to his participation in protests during the “Woman Life Freedom” uprising and his critical social media posts condemning the Iranian authorities’ oppression and executions and calling for human rights and freedom for the people of Iran. His appeal is pending before the Supreme Court.

I call on you to halt any plans to execute Toomaj Salehi, quash his conviction and death sentence, and release him immediately and unconditionally, as he is held solely for the peaceful exercise of his human rights. Pending his release, provide him with adequate healthcare and regular visits with his family and lawyers; protect him from further torture and other ill-treatment; and order an independent, effective and impartial investigation into his torture allegations, bringing anyone suspected of criminal responsibility to justice in fair trials. I urge you to grant independent observers access to protest-related capital trials and immediately establish an official moratorium on executions with a view of abolishing the death penalty.

Yours sincerely,

[Your name]