First Nations justice


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Kids don’t belong in prison

The Australian Government is failing our children by allowing kids as young as 10 years old to be arrested, dragged before a court and sentenced to prison.

First Nations kids are the most affected, because of racist policies and the ongoing impacts of colonisation that lead to things like over-policing of their communities.

It’s a cruel, dangerous system designed to punish kids, rather than support them.

We’re calling on the Government to raise the minimum age of criminal responsibility to 14 in line with international standards and invest in diversion programs that address behaviour issues at their source – keeping kids out of prison with proven, community-led solutions to help them thrive.

Countries like China, Russia, Germany, Cambodia, Spain and Rwanda have already taken the step of raising the age. Australia must do the same.

This lifesaving work is possible because of donations from caring, courageous and generous people like you – who make Amnesty International a powerful force for change. To keep going, we need your support. Will you donate to help more children in Australia grow up happy and safe?

You are changing lives

Millions of ordinary people have been putting pressure on governments and corporate powers, achieving amazing things:

  • The ACT government has committed to raising the age of criminal responsibility

  • Children released from police watch houses and 17-year-olds out of adult prisons in Queensland

  • Increased public awareness of human rights over the last 60 years

One of the most powerful ways for you to take part in this movement for change is by making a regular donation. You'll join an unstoppable movement of like-minded supporters who want to create long-term change. You'll help us win more battles.

Donate today

Amnesty is 100% independent. We will never accept funding from governments or political organisations. This means we’re free to campaign with objectivity and impartiality.

This comes with huge risks: our offices have been closed, raided or spied on in several countries in the last years. Some of our staff have been jailed for doing their work.

But we keep fighting. We keep challenging the systems that enable injustice and abuses. And we'll never stop.

Be the change. Lives depend on it.

All donations of $2 and over are tax deductible in Australia.

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© Scott Langley
Amnesty International activists