Neth, a mother of two young children , was jailed for criticizing Angola’s president  on TikTok. She was summarily tried, convicted, and sentenced to six months in prison – later increased to two years. Sign the petition and call on the authorities for her immediate and unconditional release. 

But on TikTok she is better known as “Neth Nahara”, a fearless and fun social media influencer. 

Growing up amid numerous challenges she became disillusioned with life being so hard. She couldn’t understand why a country with so much potential let so many live in poverty. Fed up with the lack of schools, employment, and opportunity, she took to social media and with her new persona “Neth Nahara” began encouraging women to seek education and independence, and bravely disclosed that she was living with HIV.  

Last year, Neth went live on TikTok, openly criticizing President João Lourenço. But the Angolan authorities are using a controversial new law to silence critical voices like Neth’s. The very next day she was arrested.  

Neth now faces years in prison, for “insulting” the president. Being torn from her children is agonizing enough, but on top of this the authorities initially denied her vital HIV medication, only allowing this after repeated requests. 

During the pandemic, Angolan people took to the streets to express their discontent with the president’s leadership, but the authorities wouldn’t listen. Instead, Neth and others like her are arbitrarily detained and mistreated because they dare to speak out. Neth’s children miss her every day. 

Sign the petition and call on the Angolan authorities to immediately and unconditionally release Neth Nahara.  

Sign the Petition

  Our Petition

President of Angola 
Palácio Presidencial   
Cidade Alta 
Rua 17 de Setembro  
Luanda, Angola

Your Excellency,

I am writing on behalf of Ana da Silva Miguel, known as “Neth Nahara”. In August 2023 Neth took to TikTok criticizing your conduct as president. The next day she was arrested and subsequently tried, convicted, and sentenced to six months in prison, which was later increased to two years. Your authorities are using aArticle 333 of the Penal Code to make legitimate criticism of you a criminal offence. 

I demand that Ana da Silva Miguel is immediately and unconditionally released, since her conviction and ongoing arbitrary detention stem solely from the peaceful exercise of her human rights, including the right to freedom of expression.     

Yours sincerely,

[Your name]