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When innocent civilians become casualties of conflict, we collect evidence and expose human rights abuses for the world to see.

When activists, journalists, doctors and others are jailed for telling the truth, we mobilise our global movement to free them.

When political leaders crackdown on dissent and restrict information, we speak out for all those who can't.

This lifesaving work is only possible because of our caring, courageous and generous donors - the people who make Amnesty International a powerful force for change. But to keep going, we need your support.


Millions of ordinary people have been putting pressure on governments and corporate powers, achieving amazing things:

  • Thousands of lives saved and changed all across the globe
  • More than 140 countries have abolished the death penalty in law or practice
  • The establishment of an International Criminal Court
  • An increased public awareness of human rights over the last 60 years

The most powerful way for you to take part in this movement for change is by making a regular donation. You'll join a powerful community of like-minded supporters who want to create long-term change. You'll help us plan ahead and react quickly when a crisis arises. You'll help us win more battles.


Amnesty is 100% independent. We will never accept funding from governments or political organisations. This means we’re free to campaign with objectivity and impartiality.

To keep going, we need your support. Regular donations from kind, caring people like you can provide ongoing, reliable funds that we depend on to investigate human rights abuses, expose the truth, and mobilise people to take action.

You can help save people at risk of execution on death row, free people unjustly imprisoned, and create a safer world for people defending human rights. Together we can be the force for change that the world needs, until every person lives with freedom, equality and justice.

Be the change. Our better future begins today.

All donations of $2 and over are tax-deductible in Australia.


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© Scott Langley
Amnesty International activists