Donate to protect human rights

Together we can keep governments accountable, change unfair laws and protect people’s freedom.


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Together we are powerful

All of us want the same things: time with our loved ones, a safe place to live and a bright future for our children. This is only possible when governments provide equal rights to everyone.

In 1948, the United Nations agreed to adopt the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which affirms that all humans have fundamental rights, whatever their beliefs, social origins, sex or other status.

Unfortunately we still see people being arrested and unfairly trialed everyday, we still see people "disappearing" because of their beliefs, and we still see people getting murdered because they exercise their freedom of speech.

But together we can change oppressive laws, bring criminals to justice and free people who are persecuted or marginalised. 

Your donation will have a lasting impact

By making a regular donation you will achieve long-term positive change. A regular gift can help us do things such as:

  • Researching human rights crimes, often in dangerous areas

  • Creating evidence-based reports to get media attention

  • Organising events and protests to put pressure on decision-makers

  • Lobbying governments and leaders to always protect human rights

We're 100% independent

Amnesty doesn’t accept funding from governments or political organisations. This financial independence means we’re free to campaign with objectivity and impartiality and to defend human rights worldwide.

All donations of $2 and over are tax deductible in Australia.




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© Scott Langley
Amnesty International activists