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Update 15/05/24: The Federal Government has delivered its annual budget. We were disappointed to see the Labor government abandon its pre-election promises to raise the humanitarian intake to at least 27,000 places per annum. This was the time for the Government to deliver on its promises and moral obligations; to address the humanitarian disasters not only in our region but around the world. They failed. Our work has never been more urgent or crucial than now. Please donate today.

A staggering 110 million people are currently displaced. People are forced to leave everything they’ve worked for and flee for their lives. To become ‘refugees’, ‘people seeking asylum’, or ‘displaced persons’ – dehumanising labels that make it easy to forget these are real people, no different to us.

“We long for a safe place, where we can establish ourselves and stand on our own feet.” 

– Member of the Rohingya youth forum, Cox’s Bazaar.

Providing safety to more people seeking asylum is one of the most important things Australia can do right now. 

With the number of people in urgent need of resettlement growing every day due to unprecedented global crises - in countries like Syria, Afghanistan, Myanmar, Ukraine and now the Occupied Palestinian Territories - we need to take a leadership role in creating solutions within our region, and significantly increase the number of people we welcome through our humanitarian program.

We must raise our collective voices and demand our government increase Australia’s humanitarian intake to 40,000 –  including 10,000 places through the community sponsorship program. 

Every moment counts. With your help, Amnesty can continue to fight for fair treatment of refugees looking to Australia for help.


We have the power to make governments change because we are 100% independent and unstoppable. For the people, by the people.

Amnesty Australia accepts no government funding for any aspect of our work. Globally, we do not accept government funding for our research and campaigning work to maintain our impartiality. This financial independence means we can fearlessly campaign with objectivity and effectively defend human rights worldwide.

This financial independence means we are free to campaign with objectivity and impartiality and to defend human rights worldwide.

All donations of $2 and over are tax deductible in Australia. Please donate now and help human rights defenders around the world.

Having trouble donating on our website? Please call our Supporter Care Team on 1300 300 920 for assistance. Thank you for your support.

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© Scott Langley
Amnesty International activists