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UPDATE: Thanks to the generous support of people like you, we have reached our goal of $50,000 and gifts will no longer be matched. With the scale of the crisis getting worse each day, we need your help more than ever to prevent further suffering. If you haven't had a chance to donate, your support will make an enormous difference. Thanks so much for everything you do to challenge injustice.

“Everyone is running for their life, it’s beyond horror. Children crying and in terror.” 

- Gaza resident 

Countless lives have been shattered, ripped apart, and upended due to the crisis in Gaza, Israel, the wider Occupied Palestinian Territory, Syria, Yemen, and Iran. We cannot let this devastation and suffering continue. 

On 7 October 2023, 1,139 Israelis and foreign nationals were killed and over 200 were abducted by Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups. To date, over 100 hostages remain missing and ongoing indiscriminate rocket fire into Israel places civilians at risk. 

Israel's devastating attacks since have killed over 42,000 Palestinians and injured over 97,000. The severity of this escalating violence is unprecedented.  

Amnesty International is investigating and exposing human rights violations, mobilising global action and pressuring politicians to support a lasting ceasefire. We’re working to protect civilians and prevent further suffering, but we need your help to continue this crucial work.  

Your donation today can make an immediate impact. With your help, we can continue to: 

  • Conduct vital on the ground research through our Crisis Evidence lab, collecting first-hand testimonies and investigating human rights abuses.
  • Campaign for accountability for war crimes and other serious violations of international law, urging national and international bodies to investigate and prosecute perpetrators.
  • Advocate for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza and the protection of all civilians in the region. 

Donate today to help support Amnesty’s critical on-the-ground research, legal advocacy and campaigning.  


Funding for this matched giving campaign has been provided by a group of generous donors who have agreed to match supporter donations to Amnesty International Australia. These donors have chosen to remain anonymous and not be acknowledged by Amnesty International Australia through its communications.   

Donations will be matched up to the amount of $50,000.  

Once donations to this campaign exceed $50,000, the matched giving campaign will be stopped. Donations made over $50,000 will not be matched. This page will be updated to advise once the matched giving amount is reached.  

In unforeseeable circumstances that mean the matched giving donor cannot fulfil their commitment, we will make reasonable efforts to contact those who have donated during the campaign. Amnesty International Australia reserves the right to amend, extend or stop the campaign based on operational needs and compliance with applicable regulations.  

For any questions or concerns, please contact us at 1300 300 920. Thank you for your support of Amnesty International Australia. 


We have the power to make governments change because we are 100% independent and unstoppable. For the people, by the people. 

Amnesty Australia accepts no government funding for any aspect of our work. Globally, we do not accept government funding for our research and campaigning work to maintain our impartiality. This financial independence means we can fearlessly campaign with objectivity and effectively defend human rights worldwide. 

All donations of $2 and over are tax deductible in Australia. Please donate now and help human rights defenders around the world.

Having trouble donating on our website? Please call our Supporter Care Team on 1300 300 920 for assistance. Thank you for your support.

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© Scott Langley
Amnesty International activists