Thank you for your compassion
Thank you for showing such compassion to people seeking asylum. The actions of kind and compassionate people like you can make a huge difference for people fleeing persecution and violence.
We know public pressure works. Because of people like you speaking out, the previous Australian Government announced a special intake of an additional 16,500 humanitarian places for people from Afghanistan, over a 4 year period, so that more people could rebuild their lives here in safety. Your action really can help improve the lives of people seeking asylum and create a world where human rights are enjoyed by all. ❤️
Did you know that...
Amnesty International Australia accepts no government funding for any aspect of our work. Globally, we do not accept government funding for our research and campaigning work to maintain our impartiality. This financial independence means we can fearlessly campaign with objectivity and effectively defend human rights worldwide.
This comes with huge risks: offices have been closed, raided or spied on in several countries in the last years. Some of our staff have been jailed for doing their work.
But we forge ahead. We keep challenging the systems that enable injustice and abuses.
You can help even more people!
Regular donations from kind, caring people like you can provide ongoing, reliable funds that the people we help depend on for Amnesty to investigate human rights abuses, expose the truth, and mobilise people to take action.
Your ongoing support will help fund long-term advocacy and campaigning to ensure that people fleeing persecution and violence can access safety here in Australia. You will help save people at risk of execution on death row, free people unjustly imprisoned, and create a safer world for people defending human rights. Together we can be the force for change that the world needs, until every person lives with freedom, equality and justice.
Be the change. Our better future begins today.
All donations of $2 and over are tax-deductible in Australia.